Sunday, August 30, 2009

Taiwan Communiqué’s Gerrit van der Wees reviews my book

This book [Democracy in Peril: Taiwan’s Struggle for Survival from Chen Shui-bian to Ma Ying-jeou] is highly timely: it covers the last few months of Chen Shui-bian’s DPP administration and the first year of Ma Ying-jeou’s KMT government. It presents razor-sharp insights into the events that unfolded during the past two years, and — as stated in the introduction — “…very much reflects the realities, struggles and challenges that are specific to that historical period in the nation’s history.”

[…] The intention of the book is to contribute to the readers’ understanding of the great debate that was — and is — going on in Taiwan during the transition from the Chen administration (when the focus was on the struggle for international survival) to the present Ma administration, marked by rising fears of Chinese encroachment as the ruling KMT initiates a series of “peace” initiatives with Beijing.

Readers can access the full review, as well as issue No. 125 of Taiwan Communiqué here.

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