Tuesday, December 04, 2012

New leadership in China: New attitude?

The Chinese Music Charts Awards shows its true colors
Analysts had long assumed that Xi Jinping wouldn’t initially venture far from the cautious policies of his predecessor. Maybe we were wrong 

In the lead-up to the once-in-a-decade Chinese leadership transition in November, most experts on China agreed that new party chairman Xi Jinping was unlikely to institute any drastic changes in Beijing’s foreign policy — at least initially — as the dust settled and Beijing ensured a smooth transition. However, contrary to predictions of continuity, the past three weeks have instead shown signs of a rapid hardening of China’s positions on a number of issues, a worrying development for stability in the Asia Pacific. 

My article, published today in The Diplomat, continues here, with the strange case of the announcement last week that the 20th edition of the Chinese Music Charts Award will be held at the Taipei Arena ... without the prior approval of the Taipei City Government or the Taiwanese authorities.

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