Thursday, September 12, 2013

ICAO refuses to grant Taiwanese journalists accreditation for assembly, cites ‘one China’ policy [UPDATED]

As a result of the policy, no Taiwanese reporter will be allowed to attend the event in Montreal, where a decision will be made on whether to grant their country observer status at the international aviation organization

The International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) will hold its triennial assembly in Montreal from Sept. 24 through Oct. 4. Taiwan is aiming to obtain observer status at the body — due to the UN’s “one China” policy and UN rigidity, the country of 23 million people, home to the 10th largest airport in the world, cannot obtain membership. Now ICAO, stating the UN’s “one China” policy, is refusing to grant accreditation to Taiwanese reporters, a policy similar to that encountered by Taiwanese journalists trying to cover the World Health Assembly in Geneva every year. In other words, no Taiwanese reporter will be allowed to attend the event, where a decision will be made on whether to grant their country observer status. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ottawa is aware of the situation and is actively seeking to have this fixed. If you’re in the area (999 University St) or want to call (514-954-8219), feel free to tell them what you think! (Photo by the author)

Statement from the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ):




一、ICAO拒發記者證給台灣媒體工作者的做法,已嚴重侵害記者之新聞採訪權,違反新聞自由之世界民主常規,台灣新聞記者協會將行文聯合國提出嚴正抗議,並要求國際記者聯盟就此要求 ICAO應對各國媒體記者一視同仁,勿以任何政治因素,侵害新聞自由。


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