It is therefore important that people in Taiwan and supporters of Taiwan as a free, democratic society fully comprehend the extent of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) control over information and its unflinching repression of any view that does not dovetail with its vision. As I have written before, China has little compunction in imposing its views, even in other countries, as we witnessed in Melbourne earlier this year. Still, borders serve to mitigate its actions and it will not go all out to repress opinions in countries like Australia, the US or Canada. That it sees Taiwan as part of China, however, means that this buffer of sovereignty does not exist and that it will not hesitate to exert in Taiwan the pressures it has so successfully implemented at home to control its citizens.
The China: Resilient, Sophisticated Authoritarianism report, written by Joshua Kurlantzick and Perry Link for the Undermining Democracy: 21st Century Authoritarians project by Freedom House, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia, provides a good start in understanding the extent of the CCP’s control measures.
1 comment:
Thanks for that link. I read Kurlantzick's book on China and soft power. Although he conflates soft power with economic power -- something Nye says not to do -- it's a pretty good read. It was interesting that they mention that part of the requirements of having a 'prestigious' Confucius Institute is (perhaps) that host institutes refrain from talking about Taiwan sovereignty. My alma mater has one of these institutes, but I am not sure if they just teach mandarin or what they do.
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